Christine Gnigler

Christine Gnigler plays the recorder and baroque bassoon. She lives in Vienna and studied recorder with Thomas List and historical bassoon instruments with Jennifer Harris.
In addition to early music, her musical profession also extends to contemporary and improvised music.

She currently performs primarily with the VIVID Consort and the Ensemble Pneuma and can be heard regularly in various opera and concert productions at home and abroad.
In 2016 she launched the Open Stage for Early Music Vienna, a platform for current early music and its performers. Her most recent composition Close enough to exist apart can be heard on the CD Fraufeld Vol.1, which was released on the Freifeld label. The VIVID Consort’s debut CD Bitter Fruit was also released on the Freifeld label. She is a scholarship holder of The New Austrian Sound of Music program with both VIVID Consort and Ensemble Pneuma.

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