Musikverein St. Veit / Triesting

The St. Veit / Triesting Music Society was founded in 1929. Before the Second World War, it played at local festivals, weddings etc. – still in private dress. The association’s activities came to a standstill during the Second World War, but were immediately resumed after the war. Until around 1979, the association played in a wind orchestra and a salon orchestra. From 1980, the founding of the Berndorf music school brought many young musicians into the association. The association has been a member of the “Lower Austrian Wind Music Association” since 1992. The association can also look back on visits to “Münchberg”, Germany, “Valaske Kloubuky”, Czech Republic and “Mošćenička Draga”, Croatia. Among the greatest successes of the association is the participation in the opening of the “Wiener Festwochen 2000” under Major Hans Schadenbauer, as well as the participation in the “Österreichischen Blasmusikfest 2003” as representative of Lower Austria.

(Maria Ecker,, 19.8.19)