Clara Jacquemard

Clara Jacquemard works as an artist, filmmaker and performer in Vienna. She is a graduate of journalism studies at the University of Vienna and the European Film College.

She attended the School of Documentary with Djordje Čenić and Hermann Peseckas, among others. In 2016, she participated in the video installation “Locked In” (Theater ohne Publikum) by the group CIS and was invited to Manifesta 11 in Zurich with “The DNA of the Product needed to be safe” (Cabaret Voltaire, Performance). Her work encompasses the dynamics and issues of modern working environments. In 2019, together with Johanna Schlömicher, she founded the Feminist Industrial Band and moves fictionally on the other side with the animated film “CEO” (Austrian Animation Festival 2020). She has been a member of the workers’ collective since 2020.